Production Process

We provide software to 1 training courses that suitable for all level of Primary and Secondary Students also your organisation staff such as clerical, software programmer, technical support and system engineer.

What others do: Teaches students what they should learn and what they should think.

The Intersoft way: Showing students HOW TO LEARN and HOW TO THINK

Our’s Suppliers

· Autodesk Asia Pte Ltd

o Price = RM 4749.89

o Term & Condition :

1. The Buyer shall make payment for the Software on or before the 30th day following the date of invoice.

2. Support and Maintenance agreements will renew annually on the payment of appropriate fees by the Buyer.

  • ReliaSoft Asia Pte Ltd
    • Price

    • Term & Condition

1. Annual Maintenance Agreements are available for all ReliaSoft standard software purchases. In addition to ReliaSoft's standard support of free minor version updates and technical support, free major version upgrades are included with the purchase of an Annual Maintenance Agreement.

2. The Agreement renews automatically on the renewal date listed on the Annual Maintenance Certificate provided.

Business Operation


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